The Boston Marathon Bombings and MY Thoughts on Who Did It
The Boston Marathon Bombing and MY Thoughts on Who Did It
Hello, Fellow Right Wing Negrocon Zionist Co-Conspirators! Yes, it has been several years since I have posted here. Got distracted by Real Life and other things.
Anyhow, I wish to address the Boston Marathon bombings. First, I wish to say that my heart goes out to the victims of the terrorist attack. I hope and pray that the wounded recover as fully as possible, and condole with those who have lost loved ones in the attack.
Over the last couple of days, I've seen reports that the Boston Police "have a suspect," then that they don't have a suspect, but a "person of interest," and then that they've let said person go. First they said that said person was a Saudi Arabian national (according to some sources), and then that they have NO leads at all. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded about that, but it seems to me that someone, somewhere, is trying to hide some shit. God knows that we're still getting NO info on the Benghazi attacks on US diplomats; it isn't as if they don't have any info on what went down there, or on how it went down. Now, this rigamarole with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation.
Now, I'm going to admit to you all that I don't like Barack Obama. I never have: I didn't vote for him in either election, and I firmly believe he is, either through incompetence or willful malevolence, trying to destroy this Republic of ours. I've got that out of the way, now. So, let's take a look at what we do know about the attack.
1) Two bombs were set off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
2) Three are confirmed dead (last I heard) and more than 180 injured to varying degrees of severity.
3) The blast radius and kind of damage done to the victims indicates a shrapnel IED (Improvised Explosive Device) using ball bearings and other kinds of debris shrapnel. In other words, a bomb designed to do maximum damage to human beings in close group.
Now, let us look: WHO, historically, has used this kind of device against people? Mohammedan "militants" in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places around the world. In fact, it is widely known that these are the kinds of devices groups like al-Qaida prefer to use. They can do lots of personal and personnel damage for minimal price. Also, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) seems to have already asked people to not jump to the conclusion that "Muslims" were involved. Come to think of it, that's the same argument "President" Obama has cautioned us with.
All of this leads ME to believe, "Yes, Mohammedans (Muslims) are responsible for this..."
While I'm on the subject: Have any of you noticed that, since the 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama, there have been many fewer stories about Mohammedan activity against Jews and Africans in the MSM (MainStream Media)? Why is that? During the supposedly "racist" Bush Administration, one could easily find stories about Arab Mohammedan atrocities against non-Mohammedan Africans in Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, et al.; with Obama in office, we don't hear too much about those places. Even the Mohammedan insurgency in Mali didn't get a lot of press until France intervened on the side of the Malian military government against the insurgents, and then one has to go to European news sources to find out what's going on.
O.K. Here's what I have deduced from what we know:
1) This kind of attack on a mass of people is almost always perpetrated by Mohammedans following the tenets of Mohammedanism (Islam).
2) The MSM will try to spin it into a "right wing extremist" attack, when, in fact, nearly all such attacks by "right-wingers" are targeted at specific persons, not random groups. Most often, the so-called "right-wingers" are only "right-wingers" vis-a-vis Communists (they may be Fascists, National Socialists, or just plain Socialists, but they're still LEFT-OF-CENTER, and usually rather farther left than the MSM wants you to believe).
3) When it comes out that this was perpetrated by Mohammedans, the MSM and the Obama Administration will try to either hush it up or try to claim that the bombers were 'radicals.' (anyone who's actually read, or tried to read, the Qur'an, will know that such violence is part and parcel of Mohammedanism, and those who perpetrate it are actually following what the "prophet" Mohammed did and commanded)
4) Most Americans will swallow it, either in part, or in whole, and try to not be "racist" by doing so. Fact is, there is no such thing as a "Muslim," "Mohammedan," or "Islamic" "race" (unless, of course, you consider the fact that all Mohammedans are truly bound to twist themselves into wannabe Arabs, and that Arab Mohammedans are, in fact, considered by the Mohammedan writings to be better than all others *now THAT is a truly racist ideology*).
Give it some thought... you may agree or disagree. THAT is your right as a human being of Free Will, and as an American *if you happen to be an American*. Have a great day! :)
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